Saturday 6 May 2023

King of eMojis - coronation edition May 2023

Coronation eDition was released on 06.05.2023

Emojis communications is the fastest growing language on online community, as all official tools are moving toward handset devices, even personal computers and all websites are adding emojis on there typing keys. But there is one problem they most of us are using just same few over and over until they don’t mean a thing. 

like any language , it need to grow, branch out, used in different places and for different reasons in deferent fields and correctly, unless otherwise. will sound like babelian tower builders and Nairobi slangs, let alone Londoners and american slangs.

The world has got new swaga, the hustlers now they wonder on streets no more. They have all become smart phone-farmers, straight from their comfy of their home they got dreams of making money like bank tellers.  They have become serial entrepreneurs, call them selves innovators and CEO plus Founders. Yes you are right , it is just like DOT- COM BUBBLE. no future no strategies and one big problem in common of these social media dreamer is is communication skills.

The don’t know how to interact effortlessly with their stake holders, they are all on rush, off-course they don’t have a clue about customer relation’s, sales or marketing, this i what make them lose valuable time and investment of devices and airtime.

It doesn’t mean there is a big problem with them, no age isn’t a problem, experience might be an obstacle, but may be a bit of mentoring might help. Still it wont work if they all expecting a mentor to show up with latest brand new vehicle, and  is on 8 figure salary. They wont even care kwamba if you got that amount of wealth, why will you waste your time with them.

The point is they all luck a communications skill, it put them on very bad angle. every one they try to contact sees them as scammers, they get blocked. It is not bad to them because they will just move on to the next victim, they cant even ask them selves why they lost a first bunch of supposed to be customers.

The two editions and many more to come will be the best friend and first step to talk in second , and say what you mean, and attract and display some characteristic of trust trust and professionalism. products owners will make a move toward you and start that conversation, and their customers will thank you for the connection.

we all want good this, plus that a bit of cash and whatever cash bring

Get your copy and stay connect with the other, as this is just a beginning.

The world is speaking emojically why not you with your business.
talk less earn more, enjoy the beauty of art.

Many Thank to Mama Samia an King Charile III
The real leaders who inspire me to release these 2 eBooks before the finale finito stage.

Karibu Swahili Land

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